Want to Improve Your Cholesterol Profile?

Want to Improve Your Cholesterol Profile?

Do you want to or need to improve your cholesterol profile? Sure, there are some outliers who believe that high cholesterol levels are good for your health and longevity. There are proponents of eating only meat and minimizing fruits, veggies, and other generally accepted “healthy” foods. However, most cardiologists recommend getting your cholesterol levels under control for cardiovascular health and longevity. I’ll go ahead and play it safe, and accept the advice of the overwhelming majority of heart MD’s on this one, and actively work to keep my Cholesterol Levels in check.  

For your reference, The American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association’s guidelines for healthy cholesterol levels are as follows:

Desirable Cholesterol Levels

Total cholesterol

Less than 170 mg/dL

Low LDL (“bad”) cholesterol

Less than 110 mg/dL

High HDL (“good”) cholesterol

35 mg/dL or higher


Less than 150 mg/dL


Cholesterol is part of the STEROLS family, a large group of waxy lipids (fats) that are found in plants, animals, fungi, and some bacteria. Cholesterol is an essential molecule, meaning that…

-->We need it to make our cell membranes and other important structures, such as hormones. 

As with many other systems in our body, cholesterol production is controlled by a feedback mechanism. 

Of Special Note: 

  • Cholesterol is made by the liver
  • Cholesterol production isn’t significantly affected by the cholesterol we eat
  • Dietary cholesterol isn’t well absorbed by the gut
  • Genetics factor heavily into our cholesterol levels
  • Cholesterol can’t travel through the water-based bloodstream without getting a ride

  • So, based on #4 above, cholesterol must attach itself to lipoprotein particles to move through the bloodstream.

    These lipoproteins are mostly what cholesterol tests are measuring.

    The types of lipoproteins vary by size and density. The differences between them affect how they work and what kind of benefits/risks they present.

    Types of lipoproteins measured in a cholesterol test:

  • Chylomicrons
        1. Largest
        2. Contain more triglycerides than cholesterol
        3. Carry fat from small intestine to liver
  • Very Low-Density Lipoproteins (VLDL)
        1. Packaged in liver to be sent elsewhere
  • Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDL)
        1. What you hear referred to as BAD cholesterol
        2. Carry Fat to Our Cells
        3. Can Oxidize in Blood Vessels
          1. Forming “plaques” that can lead to heart disease
        4. We need them, but don’t want TOO much CHOLESTEROL in them
  • High-Density Lipoproteins (HDL)
      1. Smallest particles
      2. Contain most cholesterol relative to triglyceride
      3. Carry what people refer to as GOOD cholesterol
      4. Want higher levels of cholesterol in these particles
      5. Thought of as “cholesterol clean up” crew
        1. Shuttle cholesterol back to liver for recycling


    -->WE CAN affect our cholesterol levels with DIET!!! How you might ask?!

    In general, 

    -Eating more omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids lowers LDL and raises HDL

    -Eating more saturated fats seems to raise LDL cholesterol and triglycerides

    -Diets high in processed foods tend to worsen our lipoprotein profile

    -Diets with minimally processed WHOLE FOODS tends to improve our lipoprotein profile

    This is NOT an exhaustive list by any means, but steer more towards these foods to improve your lipoprotein profile, which will result in a better Cholesterol Test…

    • Fruits and Vegetables
    • Nuts and Seeds
    • Fish and Lean Protein Sources
    • Whole Grains
    • Beans and Legumes

    Next week, we will discuss HOW eating whole foods helps to improve the lipoprotein profile. 

    The more you know! 

    Here’s to being…

    Strong Longer,